ECE 3106:
Electromagnetic Fields-II
[Summer-II, 2005]; Dr. Pushkin Kachroo;CRN: 70274;
Credits: 3
Magnetostatics (inductances, forces,
energy), time-varying fields, waves and propagation, transmission lines,
waveguides. Details |
Taught by |
231-2976 |
Listserve |
Grading |
Tests: 65%; Final: 30%; Attendance: 5% Guaranteed Grades: A- (
> 90%); B- ( > 80%); C- ( > 70%); |
Lecture Room |
Lecture Time |
Office Hours |
Location: 459Durham; |
Textbook |
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, 2004 Media Edition by Fawwaz T. Ulaby |
T.A. |
Haesoo Kim ;
Email:hakim@vt.edu |
Schedule |
Dates |
Days |
Topics |
Textbook |
July 4 |
M |
No Class |
T |
Introduction |
Chapter 1 |
W |
Waves & Phasors |
Chapter 1 |
R |
Vector Algebra |
Chapter 3 |
F |
July 11 |
M |
Vector Calculus |
Chapter 3 |
T |
Electrostatics |
Chapter 4 |
W |
Magnetostatics |
Chapter 5 |
R |
& Magnetostatics |
Review |
F |
July 18 |
M |
Law, Transformer EMF |
Chapter 6 (Sec:
6.1 – 6.3) |
T |
Motional EMF |
Sec 6.4 –
6.6 |
W |
Current, Potentials |
Sec 6.7 –
6.11 |
R |
Equations and Problems |
Review |
F |
July 25 |
M |
Plane Wave Propogation/Reflection |
Chapter 7 &
8 (ch14 Schaum) |
T |
Wave Equations
(Derivation & Solution) |
Sec 14.1 - 14.6
(Schaum) |
W |
Reflection/transmission |
Sec 14.7-14.10
(Schaum) |
R |
& Power (Poynting Vector) |
Sec 14.12
(Schaum) and review |
F |
Aug 1 |
M |
Transmission |
Chapter 2 (Ch15
Schaum) |
T |
Line Model |
W |
Smith Chart |
R |
Chart |
F |
Aug 8 |
M |
Antennas |
Chapter 9 (Ch17
Schaum) |
T |
Magnetic Vector
Potential/Radiation |
W |
Antenna Patterns
and Directivity |
R |
F |
8:00-10:00 A.M. |
Comprehensive Final Exam |
Major Measurable Learning Objectives:
1. Use Faraday's law to solve magnetic induction problems with both
transformer and/or motional EMF.
2. Use Maxwell's time-dependent equations to obtain and solve wave
for time-harmonic plane waves.
3. Characterize the propagation of time harmonic plane waves in
types of material media.
4. Characterize reflection and transmission of plane waves at
normal and
oblique incidence.
5. Characterize reflection and transmission of plane waves at
material interfaces and design simple matching interfaces.