ECE 6444

( Hybrid Control Systems)

Dr. Pushkin Kachroo
459 Durham Hall,
The Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0111, 540-231-2976,




(Due Feb 11th in class)

    Problem#1: Convert the following non-determinitic automata to deterministic automata. Describe the language accepted by this automata. (20 points)

    Problem#2: Describe and write down the hybrid automata models for systems of sections 2.2.6 to 2.2.15 in the textbook.   (50 points)

    Problem#3: Describe a system different from the ones covered in the class or the textbook, that you might have encountered in your research, that can be modeled as a hybrid system.  Give the hybrid automata model of the system.  (10 points)