Welcome to SWF Sphinx Extension’s documentation!

.. swf::

This directive is for improved SWF handling. If you pass a relative path, it is assumed it is a local file, if you pass a complete URL, it is assumed it is an internet resource:

.. swf:: path/to/some.swf

You may pass any parameter, which is found at Flash Help Page.

Apart from this you can pass class, width, height or zoom-to-fit.

There are sometimes flashvideos, where you do not know the exact size. For this issue there is zoom-to-fit parameter, which will zoom out/in the video to fit into your rectangle specified by width and height:

.. swf:: path/to/some.swf
   :width: 400
   :height: 300
   :zoom-to-fit: true


0.3 make docutils swf node inline, such that substitutions work
0.2 add class “sphinxcontrib-swf” to container element