ECE 3614: Introduction to
Communication Systems
[Summer-I, 2006]; Dr. Pushkin Kachroo;CRN:
60361; Credits: 3
Analysis and design
of analog and digital communication systems based on Fourier analysis. Topics
include linear systems and filtering, power and energy spectral density,
basic analog modulation techniques, quantization of analog signals, line
coding, pulse shaping, and transmitter and receiver design concepts.
Applications include AM and FM radio, television, digital communications, and
frequencydivision and time-division multiplexing.
(3C, 3H). Prereq: ECE2704. Details |
Taught by |
231-2976 |
Listserve |
Grading |
Tests: 65%; Final: 30%; Attendance: 5% Guaranteed Grades: A- ( > 90%); B- ( > 80%); C- ( > 70%); |
Lecture Room |
Lecture Time |
Office Hours |
Location: 345Durham; 10:45AM to 12:30PM |
Textbook |
Digital and Analog Communication Systems, third edition, by B. P. Lathi. Oxford
University Press: New York, 1998, 781 pages. |
Schaum's Outline of Analog and Digital
Communications by Hwei P. Hsu |
T.A. |
K. Wang ; Email:jowang1@vt.edu |
Schedule |
Dates |
Days |
Topics |
Textbooks |
May 22 |
M |
Signals & Systems |
Ch1, Ch2, Ch3 (Lathi); Ch1 (Schaum) |
T |
Signals, Fourier |
W |
Spectral Density |
R |
Systems, Bandwidth, S/N |
F |
May 29 |
M |
No Class |
Memorial Day |
T |
Amplitude Modulation |
Ch4 (Lathi); Ch2 (Schaum) |
W |
R |
Superheterodyne, FDM |
F |
June 5 |
M |
Angle Modulation |
Ch5 (Lathi); Ch3 (Schaum) |
T |
Phase and Frequency
Mod. |
W |
Mod. Demod |
R |
Bandwidth |
F |
June 12 |
M |
Sampling |
Ch6,7 (Lathi); Ch4 (Schaum) |
T |
Quantizing |
W |
Encoding |
R |
Transmission |
F |
June 19 |
M |
Probability/Random Var |
Ch10(Lathi)Ch5(Schaum): Pb 1,2,3,7,8,10,12,13,16,17 |
T |
Distributions |
W |
Random Processes |
Ch11(Lathi)Ch6(Schaum) |
R |
White Noise |
F |
June 26 |
M |
T |
W |
R |
Sat |
Comprehensive Final Exam |
Major Measurable Learning Objectives:
Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able
a. Compute the Fourier transform and the energy/power spectral
density of
communications signals.
b. Calculate the bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio of a signal at
the output of a
linear time-invariant system given the signal and the power
spectral density of the
noise at the input of the system.
c. Explain the operation of amplitude and angle modulation systems
in both the time
and frequency domains including plotting the magnitude spectra and
the power and bandwidth requirements of each type of signal.
d. Design a basic analog or digital communications system
including: (1) the
selection of a digital or analog modulation format, (2) the
block-diagram design
of a transmitter for the system, (3) the block-diagram design of a superheterodyne
receiver for the system, (4) the design of a time or frequency
multiplexing scheme, as appropriate, and (5) the choice of an
appropriate pulse
shape and analog to digital converter (if needed) to meet
e. Evaluate a given analog or digital communications system in
terms of the
complexity of the required transmitters and receivers and the power
bandwidth requirements of the system.